
Sweden’s ‘Mirrorcube’ glass hotel blends into its surroundings perfectly!

If you dread being recognized by acquaintances while vacationing, then you really need to give a chance to Tree Hotel in Sweden to provide you with a perfect getaway. The 4 x 4 x 4 meters Mirrorcube is camouflaged in the middle of the trees with the help of the mirrored walls.

The exciting hide-out holiday abode is made up of aluminum frame around the trunk of the tree while its interior is created from plywood with a birch surface. The reflective glass windows make sure to give the residents an amazing panoramic view while keeping them hidden from the world’s eyes.

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The humble tree abode is accessed through a 12-meter long bridge and is more than spacious for two people. Mirrorcube comprises of a furnished lounge, double bed, washroom and a rooftop terrace.

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Tree Hotel has however, kept not only the tourists in mind but also the wildlife while designing the vacation abode. The obscure room is laminated with a transparent ultraviolet color which is only visible to birds so that they can differentiate between the structure and the actual trees hence avoiding any collision with it.

The hotel is truly an amazing holiday getaway for people who want to enjoy Sweden’s pristine nature in complete privacy.

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Images: © Tree Hotel

h/t: Daily Mail

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