Russia One (R1) is a futuristic tram that looks something straight out of science fiction

An insanely futuristic tram goes with the name Russian one (R1), designed by tank and train maker Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) is the next immense point of interest for Sci-fi aficionados. If we equate it on coolness scale with bat-mobile being the coolest then this innovative tram can certainly be classified as ‘Bat-tram’. This cool commuter is equipped with Wi-Fi, GPS, seven HD-CCTV cameras, air-conditioning and anti-bacterial handrails. To term it as ‘IPhone on rail’ won’t be an exaggeration because it is so sleekly designed like a crystal that it can be integrated into any atmosphere.

Interior of the tram is amazingly stunning. Overhead LEDs keeps the inside of the tram quite attractive; bright in the morning and dim at night makes you want to remain inside forever. The sofas are shielded with elegant felt. These are designed to be one of the most comfortable seats and give you a plenty of legroom to relax. The aluminum poles and handles are coated with special antibacterial coating and sliding doors can be operated by touch-screen to make the vehicle fancier.

Specially doors are built to be at the ground’s level so that stepping in and out can be smooth. The tram can house 190 to 270 passengers at a time and runs at an average speed of 14 miles an hour. Tram is covered with glass paneling and each panel is so smartly designed using cutting-edge composite material that it can simply be altered to feature various ad campaigns.

Its over-hanging distinctive driving cabin which is trapezoidal in shape promises to give a wider field of vision (30% more to be precise), thereby curtailing any danger of pedestrian accident. One great reformative feature that R1 offers is that, it is manufactured to run on uneven rails or rails that haven’t been used for a while, thus making it a great addition to those cities who want to upgrade their outdated inter-city rail system.

In designing of this tram, architects have specially taken into account the environment adaptability factors. Low speed and fixed rail setup have made R1 incredibly adjustable to the urban landscape and have made it a part of city’s architectonics.

The foremost reason behind this stunning tram is to transform the customers’ public transport experience. R1 will assist in achieving that goal and upsurge the customers’ appeal to public transport. Future plans for R1 include making it available as per customers’ requirements. i.e. introduction of various classes. The variability lies with R1’s various configurations keeping the design and engineering standard uniform among all classes.

Experts from design bureau ‘Atom’ have supervised all the manufacturing stages in order to minimize the difference between prototype and the ultimate product. In this industrial design era where usually the end products differ significantly from the prototype, it is the result of this wonderful collaboration of Atom’s designers with engineering department that for the first-time manufacturers were able to lessen the dissimilarity percentage to a wonderful figure of 10% which shows the hard work and technicalities that are taken into account during its manufacturing process.

h/t: Business Insider
