Artist incorporates famous Fibonacci sequence to create entrancing kinetic sculpture

Artist incorporates famous Fibonacci sequence to create entrancing kinetic sculpture

More than often being interested in arts correlates to being appallingly abysmal at mathematics, thanks to the stereotypical notions of the society. Wales-based sculptor Ivan Black is breaking this stereotype one sculpture at a time and even the math haters cannot help but appreciate them.

The artist incorporates strict geometry and mathematical concepts in almost all of his interactive designs and the latest one, Square Waves is based on the popular Fibonacci sequence of numbers. The kinetic sculpture, made up of various metal bands, twists and morphs giving rise to a soothing fluid-like movement which truly has a hypnotic effect on the viewers. This unique interactive sculpture is up on the exhibition group, In the Manner of Smoke at Alice Black Gallery in London till 7th July, 2018 and is deservingly getting rave reviews from all the art lovers who are dropping by.

Ivan Black Square Wave 2

Image: Alice Black Gallery

Ivan Black Square Wave 3

Images: Kinetica Museum

Image Credits: Ivan Black via Artsy

h/t: Colossal