Bespoke Innovations create 3D-printed aesthetically pleasing prosthetic limbs

Bespoke Innovations create 3D-printed aesthetically pleasing prosthetic limbs

The future of prosthetics is here.

Say good-bye to those “one size fits all”, painful and highly uncomfortable prosthetic limbs that make you sore. Industrial designers and orthopedic surgeons at ‘Bespoke Innovations’ have come together in order to create more personalized, stylish and- most of all-comfortable to wear prosthetics.

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The underlying technology behind this concept lies in the field of 3D printing. Still a quite new concept, 3D printing has certainly achieved new heights. This is especially apparent as it attempts to modernize prosthetic limbs; not just for humans but also for animals!

This amazing process starts with showing customers various designs, colors, patterns, metals, graphics, type of finishing and material to be used. After their selection, the new limb provided to them is based on their own size and comfort level. Not only that, it is also highly aesthetically pleasing and normally range from $4000 to $6000.

Various companies and industrial designers are working on this new development. William Root, an industrial designer, has sought out to create a futuristic version of prosthetic limbs molded from laser-sintered titanium. The strands of titanium intersect with each other in various geometrical patterns to create this minimalistic and sophisticated design.

 Further developments in terms of futuristic new limbs were also done by another company in which they helped create limbs for kids while giving them the opportunity to let their imagination go wild. Sources said they created a 3D printed prosthetic arm for a 10-year old girl. This “arm” was basically a five barrel glimmer shooter that produced a cascade of glittery clouds. Talk about creative!

Of course, even animals weren’t left behind. Creatures with severed limbs were given 3D printed prosthetics to make their life easier too! These prosthetics ranged from rollers for turtles and flexible silicone 3D molded prosthetics for ducks. Each got their own personalized limb according to what their natural limbs function like.

Using science and technology for advanced medicine has certainly come a long way. I hope that it continues this way so kids, adults and animals can lead a more comfortable and satisfied life!

Reference: Bespoke Innovations website

3D PrintingCreativeFuturismInnovativePeople of DeterminationProsthesis