Once hung around into oblivion for quite some time, “Street Art or Graffiti” has now been recognized as a genuine form of art. Legal or illegal is a different debate but boy! You go on to witness some serious masterpieces stamped all along the city walls.
Activists and artists are using this medium to address social & political issues to attract attention of the flocks to create awareness. Others use it to showcase culture & art by treating the city walls and buildings as canvas.
Street art in most parts of the world has made urban life to look more vibrant and colourful. Looking for some amazing pieces of Street art? Scroll down to find out the best places to spectate street art in its best form.
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1. Berlin, Germany
Photo: BLU
Photo: JR
Photo: mentalgassi
2. Bethlehem, Palestine
Photo: banksy
Photo: Lois Stavsky
3. Bogota, Colombia
Photo: Bogota Sreet Art
Photo: Entes&Pesimo
4. Bristol, United Kingdom
Photo: DALeast
Photo: ROA
5. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Photo: jamesschloeffel.com
Photo: Martin Ron
Photo:Martin Ron
6. Cape Town, South Africa
Photo: faith47
Photo: interesnikazki
Photo: Galo Images/Getty Images
7. Istanbul, Turkey
Photo: Franko Fasoli
8. Lisbon, Portugal
Photo: Os Gémeos & BLU
Photo: Os Gémeos
Photo: sam3
9. Lodz, Poland
Photo: ROA
Photo: Etam Cru
Photo: Etam Cru
10. London, United Kingdom
Photo: Alexis Diaz
Photo: DALeast
Photo: David Walker
11. Melbourne, Australia
Photo: ajhaysom
Photo: ajhaysom
Photo: herakut
12. Mexico City
Photo: curiot
Photo: ROA
Photo: Alfredo Estrella/Getty Images
13. Moscow, Russia
Photo: Agostino Iacurci
Photo: Alexandre Farto
Photo: c215
14. New York City, USA
Photo: JR & Liu Bolin
Photo: Eduardo Kobra
Photo: Timothy Saccenti
15. Paris, France
Photo: Levalet
Photo: Seth
Photo: Frederic T Stevens/Getty Images
16. Prague, Czech Republic
Photo: Adam Jones
Photo: BLU
Photo: fra-biancoshock.org
Photo: Honet
17. Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Photo: favelapainting
Photo: jr-art.net
18. Santiago, Chile
Photo:Anwar Hussein/Getty Images
Photo: Martin Bernetti/Getty Images
Photo: Jano y Basti
19. Sao Paulo, Brazil
Photo: Bloomberg/Getty Images
Photo: l7m
Photo: Eduardo Kobra
Photo: 6emeia
20. Valparaiso, Chile
Photo: Jean-BaptisteYunis
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