A country like China which is bustling with billions of people and millions of transport vehicles surely takes its road infrastructure very seriously. In an effort to attain a better traffic flow in the city of 8 million residents, Chongqing located in the southwest China, the government has constructed an enormous 5-layered and 20-lane interchange named, Huangjuewan flyover. It is only sensible to realize that it took them about 8 eight years to complete the project. The flyover looks beyond chaotic and many of the observers start experiencing the fear of getting lost just by looking at the complex flyover design. However, the authorities have not been far behind to inform the public that each lane consists of turnarounds after every half a mile in order to get the confused drivers to the right track.
This maze-like flyover is yet another testament to accept that China’s hold of technology and modern architecture is completely unmatched and unparalleled to any other country in the world.
References: Daily Mail, Wired