Chinese-American Artist Creates Art By Tying Knots

If you have an artist’s mind, even the most trivial things can become an inspiration for extraordinary artwork. Chinese-American artist Windy Chien has found her muse in knots.

It started off when Chien was introduced to macramé by her mum when she was a little child and since then, she has been fascinated with tying different kinds of knots. Chien evolved her fascination into passion and pursued it after quitting her job at Apple. The artist then started working on her “The Year of Knots” project in 2016 in which she created a unique knot, from highly complex to the simplest ones, every single day. And to say that this work from Chien was just the lightening before the storm would not be too wrong. Chien then went on to work on different projects such as Ten Spinal Columns, the creature-inspired splice knotwork and last but not the least, her natural form-inspired project for the National Geographic Society in Washington, DC.  Check out some of her work right here and be prepared to be stunned!

All Images: © Windy Chien

Windy Chien: Website | Instagram

h/t: Colossal