Conventional measuring tape gets a futuristic makeover with ‘Bagel’

Conventional measuring tape gets a futuristic makeover with ‘Bagel’

It is a fact that conventional measuring tapes become way too annoying to use because they keep falling from one end and then give completely wrong readings, unless you ask for help from someone to hold that another end. There is an easier solution to this problem,, just get ‘The Bagel’.

The Bagel uses a string instead of a metal strip so that measurements are more acurate.

the bagel 4

It can be used for measuring angled objects as well. Just wheel it over on the angled surface!

the bagel 2

Can’t reach to that corner to take measurement? No problem, the laser pointer and ultrasonic sensors in The Bagel will do it for you.

No need to read the measurements from the complicated traditional scale. It’ll just show up on the built-in LCD screen of the device.

the bagel 1

You can also record voice notes on it which can be stored in the device’s 32 MB storage space!

The voice notes are transferred to The Bagel’s app which is available on both, iOS and Android.

The device needs to be charged after 8 hours of constant use and it can easily be done via a microUSB.

The three-in-one The Bagel working as a tape measure, rolling tape, and laser measure can only be purchased for $69!

Images: © The Bagel

h/t: Business Insider
