With the recent paranoia regarding different sects and communities, not only humans and monuments have faced causalities but several languages have also faced the same backlash. One of such language is pretty obviously Arabic and while many of the native speaker have dealt with this issue in an aggressive or sentimental manner, Egypt-based graphic designer Mahmoud Tammam came up with a very interesting and quirky way to subdue the unnecessary hate against a language.
The graphic designer incorporated Arabic words into their literal designs hence making it simpler for the people who are not associated with the language to understand it by simply visualizing the words. Most of his work revolves around the names of the animals, using the curves of the Arabic alphabets to illustrate the necks or tentacles of different animals. His quirky idea has worked like magic for those who are unfamiliar with Arabic and for the rest of the world, the illustrations make up for rather pretty and colourful designs to sooth the eyes.
Images: © Mahmoud Tammam
Mahmoud Tammam: Behance | Facebook | Instagram
h/t: Colossal