Far-off Destinations Worthy of a Visit Once in a Lifetime

When everything is available at a reach of a single click through internet, why would one want to physically embark on a journey wasting one’s time and money? Others would say, they’ve already seen or known about everything around them. But honestly, there are still many destinations that are yet to be discovered, yet to be experienced. There still are few places, haven’t been seen or visited by us; the humans.

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Mount Roraima

Roraima is the highest ‘Tepuy’ (Spanish word meaning table mountain) sharing its borders with three different countries; Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. Mount Roraima is a part of Venezuela’s Canaima National Park forming the highest peak of Guyana’s Highland Range.

It is also considered as one of oldest geological formations on Earth, dating back to some two billion years. It is around 2,800 meters tall; what a sight would it be from there! The only way visitors can climb to the top is from the Gran Sabana side, in Venezuela.

Images: Paulo Fassina via Flickr

The Seychelles

 The Seychelles are a group of 115 islands forming an archipelago of legendary beauty. These islands were unknown to the outside world until the 1500s. Located about 900 miles east of Africa, the Seychelles are still a remote and lesser known spot.

Prince Williams and Kate Middleton, The Duke and The Duchess, rented out an entire island for their honeymoon. The Seychelles are more often crowd free with white sand beaches, making it an exquisite spot for vacations. These islands are also a home to the largest population of giant sea turtles.

Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

Reluctantly shared by both Argentina and Chile, this ‘land of fire’ really is the end of the world. This archipelago is located off the southernmost tip of South America explored by Ferdinand Magellan in 1520. This place out-pours with outstanding natural beauty with Lush green forests, mighty glaciers, amazing mountains and clear waterways enhancing the beauty of the entire region. Tierra del Fuego has become the major doorway to phenomenal Antarctica. Although, it is an isolated and hard to reach spot, but for true adventure seekers it is a MUST.


Antarctica isn’t a place for conventional folks but a spot for fearless and adventurous travelers. Although Antarctica seems to be an unlikely spot for vacation, with entire place covered in thick ice, but for people who dare, this is one heck of a place.

According to Associated Press, the number of tourists has jumped from 2,000 in 1980s to 35,000 in 2013. This place offers a chance to experience area’s penguin and other wildlife activity, with opportunities of kayaking and skiing.
