This Giant Birdsnest is the snuggest spot that you will ever find for your room!

This Giant Birdsnest is the snuggest spot that you will ever find for your room!

Every bird lover aspires to have wings however, since that is highly unrealistic, why not settle for an extremely comfortable bird nest instead? The Giant Birdsnest is the coziest couch that you will ever find with its foam-padded wooden backwall and huge egg-shaped cushions to provide you with the most ergonomic sitting experience.

The innovative piece of furniture comes in four sizes that can accommodate a single person as well as 16 people together. It is the ultimate snug spot for browsing, napping, talking and reading which is exactly what the Israel based furniture design firm, OGE Creative Group, aimed to create with the Giant Birdsnest. The design is said to be “new and inspiring socializing space: a fusion of furniture and playground” by the creators and we cannot agree more with them!

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Images: Giant Birdsnest

References: OGE Creative GroupGiant BirdsnestLaughing Squid