Hälssen and Lyon’s Tea Calendar Gives A Creative Twist To Your Daily Cup of Tea
If you’re a tea lover, you probably do not care much about anything as long as you can get your hands on that hot cup of tea but if you happen to be a tea maniac with an imaginative mind then you will surely fall in love with this tea calendar created by Europe’s renowned tea brand, Hälssen & Lyon, in collaboration with Hamburg-based creative agency Kolle Rebbe.
The company has given the perfect twist to the tradition promotional calendars by making booklet style folio with pressed tea leaves, marking each day of the year with a different flavored tea. Each 1 mm thin sheet of the calendar incorporates compressed tea, on which the dates are pressed on the pages individually. You can simply tear off the date from the booklet and immerse it into hot water for the perfectly blended cup of tea.
The tea calendar is specifically designed for the company’s business partners but we’re sure that such an incredible idea will soon pave its way to the lives of tea admirers everywhere in the world.
Hälssen and Lyon has introduced a Tea Calendar in which each date is basically a different flavour of compressed tea leaves.
The 1 mm sheets of compressed tea leaves are stacked up as the weeks in an year.
Dates on the thin tea sheets are separately pressed and they easily dissolve when immersed in hot water.
The edible tea calendar can be used simply by tearing off a date from the booklet and putting it in hot water.
As a result, you get 100% pure and exotic teas all year round!
The famous tea company has designed this extremely innovative calendar together with Kolle Robbe.
The back of the packaging helps out the tea lovers with the instructions to make the perfect cup of tea from Tea Calendar.
Images: Kollie Rebbe
References: Design Boom, New Atlas