Leslie Taylor Shows The Tranquil Side Of Kyoto, Japan

Leslie Taylor Shows The Tranquil Side Of Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto is famous amongst the tourists for its interesting architecture and anyone who has been there can vouch for the trance one gets into when surrounded by the sea of historical shrines and temples. The city is filled with people from all around the world in every season, just like the uncountable cherry trees that occupy a considerable amount of space in the famous city. However, Leslie Taylor was fortunate enough to soak up the traditional architecture of Kyoto in complete tranquility which is almost unknown to the city otherwise.

Taylor, who has been in Japan permanently for five years, then made sure to capture the serenity in softly lit photographs against the background of beautiful sunsets. The photographs are composed of the popular tourist spot of the city, Higashiyama District as well as the rustic cobblestoned street that leads to 5-story Yasaka Pagoda. The photographer has perfectly managed to capture the scenic beauty of the city as well hence showing the urban and the rustic side of the favourite tourist city of Japan.

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Images by: Leslie Taylor

Reference: Rocket News 24My Modern Met
