This Mesmeric Ski Lodge Is Made Up Of Stacked Shipping Containers!

This Mesmeric Ski Lodge Is Made Up Of Stacked Shipping Containers!

Those who think that shipping containers are pretty useless need to look at Quadrum Ski and Yoga Resort which has quite aesthetically put those ship containers to a good use by stacking it up to form common areas on the first floor as well as guest rooms.

Located in the peaceful and scenic site of Georgia, in the middle of Caucasus mountains, the shipping container Skii Resort towers high with 5 stories, designed in a pyramid style and supported by steel posts underneath. The furnishing of the guest rooms is done with wooden panels to give a rustic touch to the whole lodging experience and each room faces the snow-capped mountains from the front facing glass wall. The guests can ski, take yoga classes or simply de-stress themselves from the busy lives by taking sauna bath.

shipping container 6

shipping container 1

Images: Quadrum Ski and Yoga Resort

Reference: Curbed, Inhabitat