If you have billions in your account and you foster a great love for the sea then you should definitely consider to invest in the yacht cum mobile island, Kokomo Ailand. The partly submerged, floating vessel constructed by the Austrian submersible yacht company, Migaloo is a revolutionary luxury design which incorporates the comforts of an exotic island as well as a mega yacht.
Kokomo is built on an area as wide as 117 meters and is 80 meters above the sea level. The floating island gives its owners the indulgence to move anywhere in the world while enjoying the facilities that may only be available in lavish resorts.
Kokomo Ailand comprises of several facilities such as; a glass bottom Jacuzzi, tropical forest, vertical gardens, pool, two elevators, a waterfall, terraces, palm trees and even a helipad. Moreover, the deck consists of a gym, beauty salon, spa and bar so that the residents can continue to live the life as they would have lived on any land based getaway.
The company has created Kokomo Ailand as a model for its future clients, while offering customized versions of it so that they are fit for the people who wish to buy it. The company claims that the prices will vary according to the requests of the clients. The floating island can hence be created for personal use as well as for commercial purposes. Kokomo Ailand is truly the best in the league of extravagant architectures and this trend will not fade easily once it comes to the reach of the billionaires all around the world.
The island would allow its owners to move their entire luxury resort whenever and wherever they want. Image: Migaloo Submaries
80-metre high penthouse accessed by an elevator would offer 360-degree views. Image: Migaloo Submaries
Palm trees, vertical gardens, and waterfalls. Image: Migaloo Submaries
References: Migaloo, Daily Mail, Business Insider