Parents turn kid’s doodle on the wall into a framed artwork

Parents turn kid’s doodle on the wall into a framed artwork

We’ve all used the dull white walls of our houses as our canvases, drawing on it with markers and what not in our innocent childhoods. And while most of us were reprimanded by our parents for it, this couple decided to praise the little artwork, made by their 6-year-old son.

The couple framed the drawing and even labelled it. Dr. Eric Masicotte—a neurosurgeon, associate professor, medical director of the Concussion Program at the University of Toronto and the father of the kid who drew a house on a white wall with a green marker shared the photograph of the framed piece of art on Twitter with a caption, “Your kids are going to do things they shouldn’t. It helps if you married someone with a sense of humour.”

kid 3

kid 1

Images: © Eric Massicotte

h/t: My Modern Met