Temperature controlled Dullo Plus is a great pillow for neck pain relief

With summers right around the corner, so is uneasy sleep that comes due to the intense sweating. Dullo has got us covered with its latest Dullo plus which comes with essential upgrades from that of the previous model. The dullo was an intriguing product that was designed to help the owner sleep wherever they want with its dual-sided design making it feasible and comfortable for the owner to either sleep on his back or his side. It had a unique multi-layered design that let you put your hand in and sleep even on a desk. However, the upgrade provides us with more comfort with the introduction of temperature control, keeping the pillow cool and refreshing even in the summer heat making Dullo Plus an extremely useful pillow for neck pain relief.

How it works?

The Dullo Plus helps the users sleep even better with its temperature control mechanism which they introduced by adding cooling inserts that slide in the neck region of the pillow. The cooling inserts work with water tight cooling packs that can be put in a refrigerator throughout the day. When the cooling packs are inserted to the pillow, it helps to maintain the overall temperature to a minimum preventing any sort of sweating and uneasiness. The cooling packs work for 7 hours under layers of cotton and an air mesh that help with even distribution of coolness. This cooling system helps provide a better sleep with maximum REM (Rapid Eye Movement) to ensure a deep, healthy sleep. The comfortable temperature makes sure the person does not spend half the night shifting position in order to find a comfortable spot to sleep in.

Pillow for Neck Pain Relief:

The pillow not only functions to provide the owner with a comfortable temperature to sleep in but the design of it ensures that you sleep in the right posture especially maintaining the natural C-curve of the neck. The design supports the back as well, giving your spine the right structural positioning for a good night’s sleep.

Material Composition:

The Dullo Plus pillow for neck pain relief is made out of their trademark silicon-coated microfiber and the cooling inserts (without the cooling pads) are a 100% cotton which is always comfortable and preferable. It not only means a good night’s sleep but also the fact that the washing of the pillow has been made easier. They can be easily put in the washing machine and will come out fresh and clean. It is no surprise that 25,000 people backed this project last year and this year they have already surpassed their original goal of $5000 by a milestone with a remarkable $54,663.

All Images: © Dullo via Kickstarter

Source: Kickstarter

ComfortComfortableDesignHuman WelfarePillowPortable