Schipol Clock at Amsterdam Airport features a man painting clock hands in real time

Schipol Clock at Amsterdam Airport features a man painting clock hands in real time

Placing artistic installations at the airports these days is one of those few new trends that nobody minds to welcome. Since it provides a tasteful escape to the drowsy passengers from the monotony of the airport waiting lounge. Amsterdam’s International Schiphol Airport is a new addition to the list with the installation of an enormous clock in lounge two, designed by the Dutch designer, Maarten Baas.

Schipol Clock at Amsterdam Airport 2

Image: © bart brussee

The three-meters tall clock is titled, “real time” since its design is based on the real-time movies that consume the same amount of time on the screen as they were shot in. Naturally, Baas came up with his own innovative idea to give the Schiphol Clock the truest essence of real-time by filming a video that runs throughout the day on the clock. The video comprises of a cleaner in his blue overalls, cleaning the mark left by the hand of the clock passes through each minute from its bright yellow rag and the deep red bucket.

Schipol Clock at Amsterdam Airport 1

Image: © bart brussee

The video pays homage to the sweepers and cleaners working day in and day out at the airport but the colors signify the Dutch artists, Piet Mondrian and Gerrit Rietveld.  The interesting video took 12 hours to shoot the video and it runs for exactly 12 hours, too, making its 15 million passenger audience every year look up every single time.

The hyper realistic representation of time by Baas has surely become a hallmark for the contemporary installation design all over the world because of its intriguing innovative design that is also functional.

Image: © bart brussee

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h/t: Dezeen