
Stanford research reveals that Apple Watch can accurately measure irregular heartbeats

Apple has always given life a new dimension, which leads to something unique and essential for people. For many years now, products of Apple has made significant changes in the lives of people with technology and innovation. It is vital for everyone to keep a check on their health and most importantly, how their heart functions.  Apple funded a study conducted by Stanford scientists proved that irregular heartbeats could be detected in a meaningful way in a number of users. This innovation is helpful for those people who are very cautious about their cardiac functions.

The Scientists at Stanford Medical School started this research back in 2016. Multiple fitness trackers were used for the research purpose, including the Samsung Gear S2, Fitbit Surge, and Apple Watch. The study returned mixed results. There were high error rates in the results yielded relating to the energy expenditure, but were surprised to see the accuracy of heart rate monitoring. According to researches, irregular heartbeats were detectable through this watch accurately and safely. The Apple watch shows the indications of categorizing pulse irregularities when required. This innovation can help to save a lot of lives or help people take precautionary measures to make sure that no horrible event can take place.

The researchers at Stanford presented their findings at the American College of Cardiology’s 68th Annual Scientific Session and Expo. Around 400,000 people took part in this research. The participants of the research used Series One, Two or Three Apple Watch. For this purpose, they downloaded a custom-built app on their phones known as Apple Heart Study app. A notification was pushed to the phone user, whenever the built-in heart rate pulse sensor in Apple Watch detected an irregular pulse. It also suggested them to consult a doctor. Around 0.5% of the participants received such notifications.

The main focus behind this research was to analyze whether these watches can discover the heartbeat events known as “atrial fibrillation.” Usually, this heartbeat is not easily detectable. ECG patches were sent to the participants who didn’t contact the doctor upon receiving notifications. Using the ECG patch, 84% of such participants were able to verify the atrial fibrillation events. Almost 34% of the patients found that they have atrial fibrillation at the end of the week. Scientists said that they wouldn’t be surprised if this intermittent condition goes undetected.

With the new addition of Apple watch 4 in this family, now the users will be able to take advantage of the onboard ECG monitoring. The company, however, says that irregularities in the heart like atrial fibrillation are not necessarily guaranteed, but it can notify the user regarding the potential problems that should be reported to the doctor. The health facilities are enhanced with each passing day, and it contributes to allowing people to enjoy a healthy life without the fear of having unknown health irregularities.

Source: Stanford UniversityAmerican College of Cardiology (via: New Atlas)

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