These air purifying curtains by IKEA are your best bet for clean indoor environment

We have heard a lot about air purifying indoor plants but it is not always easy to maintain them. So, how can people who are way too busy to fuss about watering plants keep their indoor air quality purified with minimal efforts? This time around, IKEA has surprised such people with a quick fix with its air-purifying curtains!

The “GUNRID” would use a layer of photocatalyst mineral as a coat on the fabric of the curtains. This catalyst needs light in order to activate and once activated, it reacts with the harmful pollutants in the ambient air. The reaction ends up with the disintegration of these pollutants hence they no longer remain harmful to the environment or to the humans.

“Besides enabling people to breathe better air at home, we hope that GUNRID will increase people’s awareness of indoor air pollution, inspiring behavioural changes that contribute to a world of clean air,” says Lena Pripp-Kovac, Ikea’s Head of Sustainability. “GUNRID” is the first product to use the technology, but the development will give us opportunities for future applications on other textiles.”

Image Credits: © IKEA

h/t: Inhabitat

Air PollutionAir QualityCurtainFabricIKEAIndoorTextile