These camouflaging clothes blend people seamlessly with their urban surroundings

These camouflaging clothes blend people seamlessly with their urban surroundings

Who doesn’t want to fit in with their surroundings to feel safe and at home? A collaboration between Brighton-based photographer Joseph Ford and knitwear designer Nina Dodd however, gives a tremendous twist to this concept. The two artists worked together, each in their own right, to create interesting camouflage images in which the subjects blend seamlessly with their surroundings by wearing rightly patterned clothes.

The photographer named this quirky series, Knitted Camouflage and Dodd’s hand knitted sweaters, reflecting urban environments do complete justice to the series. The artists also joined hands with the famous street artist Monsieur Chat who merges so well with his famous cat mural in the photograph that one can barely notice him, all thanks to the camouflaging yellow and black sweater. Check out the peculiar images that came out as a result of this collaboration right here!

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Images: © Joseph Ford

Joseph Ford: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Vimeo
Nina Dodd: Website | Instagram

h/t: My Modern Met