These composite photographs of athletes in action create a dizzying effect

These composite photographs of athletes in action create a dizzying effect

If you are even remotely interested in attending sports events, you must have noticed that it is not just the game that remains in your memory but the whole hustle bustle of the background is what makes you feel the adrenaline rush at that time. Boston-based artist, Pelle Cass believes just the same and hence he spent countless hours in editing more or less thousand photographs that he takes in the span of one or two hours while he attends the local college games. The photographer has expansive experience of 50 years in the field of photography and his seasoned techniques clearly translate in his highly edited photographs with as many as 500 layers of photoshop. The end result is surely a complex looking image however, the realistic athletic patterns and the visual story that one can grasp with just one look at the photograph makes Cass’ work extraordinary in his own unique way.

Cass completely believe in his photo manipulation concepts as he states, “I think that conventional single-exposure photographs distort by their inhuman briefness. The eye never sees a single moment… When you come home from a hockey game, you might remember a few specific images of big plays, but otherwise your memory of a game is a bit more like a general impression of many-figured bustle and activity.” Looking at what he produces at the end of each project, we cannot agree more with him!

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Images: © Pelle Cass

Pelle Cass: Website | Intagram

h/t: Colossal