
These geometric pools by the ocean are the best option for an amazing swim

One might ponder over the point of creating pools by the side of an ocean but as absurd as this idea sounds, we can assure you that it serves many great purposes. For starters, we get to witness some pretty amazing aerial photographs of these geometric pools in Nicole Larkin’s series, The Wild Edge. The photographer has been capturing the 80 year old pools in Australia, constructed mainly on the rocky coastline of New South Wales. The jewel-toned water of the swimming pool, sitting on the bed of rocks look like a miniature version of the majestic ocean itself and to say that it looks gorgeous is an understatement. Larkin herself calls these swimming sanctuaries, “intimate encounters with the landscape.”

Nicole larkin Nicole larkin Nicole larkin

Apart from giving photographers a picturesque location to shoot, these spaces,”… are largely opportunistic interventions that exploit the natural topography of the rock platform to make a protected and convenient swimming area. They often exhibit the “bare minimum,” dematerializing into the rock platform yet providing amenity and facilitating easy access to the ocean.” However, due to the recent wave of climate change, Larkin feels that designing such pools can not only facilitate community amenity but can also act as an active barrier against storms. So, making pools nearby oceans is not a bad idea, after all!

Nicole larkin Nicole larkin Nicole larkin Nicole larkin

All images © Nicole Larkin
Nicole Larkin: Website | Instagram | Behance
h/t: Colossal

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