These long exposure shots with arial lights make natural landscape seem otherworldly

These long exposure shots with arial lights make natural landscape seem otherworldly

If there is one photographer who knows how to work magic with aerial lights, it is undoubtedly Reuben Wu. In his acclaimed project “Lux Noctis”, Wu was once again successful at making his admirers awe-struck by using modified drones to transform natural and manmade landscape into something that seems to belong to a supernatural power of an alien planet. The photographer used GPS to guide his drone above the majestic landscapes while the light source traced its movement hence illuminating the path. The daunting cliffs at once turn into an otherworldly sight with a halo, created with the help of illuminating drone whereas, other photographs feature illuminated dust around the crests.

“I see it as a kind of ‘zero trace’ version of land art where the environment remains untouched by the artist, and at the same time is presented in a sublime way which speaks to 19th century Romantic painting and science and fictional imagery,” said Wu while explaining his vision behind the series.

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All Images: Reuben Wu

h/t: Colossal

Aerial PhotographyArtLandscapesNature