These photographs of deers roaming through urban areas of Japan looks absolutely eerie

Ever seen wildlife abiding by the rules of humans by choice and without any compulsion? Probably not. However, people of Nara, Japan do see it quite literally every day! This city of Japan thinks of its Sika deer population as sacred hence they are protected by the law just like any of its other citizens. As a result of having an equal status like any man, the deer population enjoy strolling about the city, interact with the manmade environment and basically live a free life.

Kanagawa-based photographer Yoko Ishii got inspired by this strange yet weirdly fathomable interactions and hence decided to document them through her photographical series, Beyond the Borders. “These picturesque moments when early in the morning the deer can be found standing in the middle of desolate intersections, not bound by man’s borders and laws, yet inhabiting a man-made city is fascinating and inspiring,” Ishii said while talking about her series.

All Images: © Yoko Ishii
Yoko Ishii: WebsiteFacebook
h/t: Ignant
