This city apartment has its own floating greenhouse!

If you happen to belong to suburbs and are forced to live in a city due to professional engagements then you might understand the longing for a green view from the place where you live. Belgian architecture firm dmvA understands that all too well and hence when they were approached to renovate the dull, suffocated 1000 square-foot house in Mechelen, Belgium, the changes were primarily all that a countryside dweller could ask for.

The transformations were made with a vision to make the area more airy and green. The particle board interior walls were removed as the first step and that at once let abundant amount of daylight flush into the third-floor apartment, from its living room. The back section of the apartment adjoined another apartment and so posed a great hurdle in successfully renovating the place. However, the architects used the unremovable beams that joined the two surfaces to build a greenhouse on top of them. Thus, now the apartment has transformed into not only a spacious, bright and airy living space but also has its own floating greenhouse!

All Images: © Bart Gosselin via Arch Daily

Architect: dmvA

h/t: Inhabitat
