This fascinating wooden classroom opens up to a magical woodland

This fascinating wooden classroom opens up to a magical woodland

Classrooms are absolutely despised by the students who have even a minute inclination towards the nature since the four concrete walls do little to engage the young creative minds. Fortunately, Belvue School which caters for children of 11 to 19 years of age with learning difficulties, does realize that trapping kids in concrete cages is not really a wise idea for learning purposes. Studio Weave became the school’s only hope in designing a timber-clad, simplistic building that can encourage a creative environment.

classroom 4

classroom 3

Aptly named, The Wooden Classroom, is an extension to the 1600 square-foot school which consists of an informal “cozy lounge” for the teachers and a student-run café. However, the main attraction of the structure is that it leads way to an enchanting woodland that the school has recently acquired. Studio Weave revealed more about the design in the statement, “We identified that the boundary between the playground and woods marks the border between familiar school territory and the magical, mysterious world of trees. This very important threshold, symbolising the entrance to another world, like the gate to the secret garden, or the cupboard to Narnia became a focal point and we consequently designed the woodland classrooms to act as a gatehouse between one world and another.”

Since the design was inspired by the nature, the structure hardly needs any artificial source of light and ventilation. The swooping ceilings and huge windows take care of the natural light and ventilation. To do justice to the nature and the design, Studio Weave worked closely with forest management specialist so that proper care of the woodland is ensured.

All Images: © Studio Weave

h/t: Inhabitat