This library cum gallery is truly a magnificent piece of architecture

Inculcating the habit of reading in people is no doubt a priority for any progressive nation. However, the process of getting someone to read doesn’t really have to be rough, boring and preachy at the least. How then, you may ask? Maybe doing makeover of libraries as inviting galleries with beautiful installations might help? Chinese city of Xi’an tried it out with their YJY Maike Centre Flagship designed by Japanese designer Tomoko Ikegai of IKG Inc and it has swept everyone off the floor!

The designers have given the library a warm ambience and have incorporated a few traits of gallery in this double storied 50,000 square feet building. The 33-foot-tall bookcase, spiral staircase and the installation of floating papers just above it, are some of the prominent features of the library. Moreover, the inspiration behind the incorporation of rich wood tones, interconnected rooms and intimate seating arrangement in the grand architecture has been taken from the ancient Japanese and Chinese palaces. So, the aura of the library remains exceptionally opulent yet cozy. The second level of the library is more dominated by the “gallery traits” comprising of a lobby, a coffee bar, low ceilings, relevant artwork and dark flooring.

“The overall effect is a tasteful, classic environment that reflects China’s long and proud history, where visitors can relax, unwind, learn, think, enjoy life, and embark on a creative journey that transcends space and time.”, describes the IKG Inc website.

Image Credits: © IKG Inc.

Architects: IKG Inc.

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h/t: My Modern Met
