This second generation solar powered wallet is nothing like what you’ve seen before!

This second generation solar powered wallet is nothing like what you’ve seen before!

Tired of skimming through your wallet for the right credit card or fear losing your cards while you try to fix the bulky wallet in your pockets? We all face these inconveniences on a day to day basis when it comes to the wallets but gratefully, the clever designers behind Ekster have countered all these problems by launching the “second generation” Ekster Wallet in collaboration with Tile.

The ultra slim wallets make all the credit cards to pop up in their respective order with just a pop of the button so the hassle of skimming and then jamming the cards has become a talk of old days with this innovative wallet. Moreover, the collaboration with Tile ensures that you would never lose this wallet permanently since you can simply call the wallet to locate it. However, the feature that has made this design second generation is its solar-charged RFID-blocking mechanism. Just 3.5 hours of sunlight for a month and the wallet will be able to keep the data in your card safe from RFID skimming and data theft.

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Love the idea of this amazingly smart yet fashionable wallet? You can pre-order on Kickstarter by booking it on the early bid price of $25!

Images: Ekster

h/t: Digital Trends

Renewable EnergySolar Power