This summer house is definitely the secret hiding spot for Dumbledore!

This summer house is definitely the secret hiding spot for Dumbledore!

If you want to find the hiding spot of the much-loved Dumbledore then you might want to check out this magical custom-built house, Shining Hand Ranch in Ashland, Oregon. The house reflects its wizardly vibe from everything that is in it, be it the spiral wooden staircase or the carvings of dragons, eagles and fish on the walls and similar spaces.

The 8,881-square-foot fairy-tale house looks over the gigantic Mount Shasta and is surrounded by a 706-acre rural location, with a flowing river just by its side. The carvings in the home are actually inspired by the flora and fauna of the landscape and it truly blessed the house with an unimaginable mystic touch. The Shining Hand Ranch is currently up on sale for a steep price of $8.235 million but we highly doubt any magical fantasy lover will ever find that price tag off-putting.

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Images: © Zillow

h/t: Curbed