Year In Review; The Top 10 Global Google Searches Of 2014

Every year Google releases its annual list of most searched topics from around the globe and for your surprise, for the first time in recent years no Apple product made an entry in the top 10 searches. However previously 2010 had iPad, 2011 featured both iPhone 5 & iPad 3, 2012 had iPad 3 again, 2013 had the iPhone 5S at number 2.

2014 on the whole remained a catastrophic year with Ebola outbreak to missing Malaysian airlines. With ISIS going at large to Ferguson thing. All these incidents did feature in the searches made on google throughout the year 2014. And on the lighter side, despite all her efforts, Kim Kardashian couldn’t break the internet. Thankfully! 😛

Check out the top 10 global trends listed below to know what people googled more in 2014:

  1. Robin Williams
  2. World Cup
  3. Ebola
  4. Malaysia Airlines
  5. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
  6. Flappy Bird
  7. Conchita Wurst
  8. ISIS
  9. Frozen
  10. Sochi Olympics

Also, you can view the complete listing of Google’s Global trend here: Explore the Year in Search

What did you search for? Let us know in the comments!

2014: Year in Review