Top Ten Countries with the Best Tap Water

Top Ten Countries with the Best Tap Water

Environmental Performance Index or EPI, rates various nations of the world according to their environmental performance. This includes the quality of tap water provided by various governments. The top 10 countries according to this index providing best quality tap water to their citizens are given below.

SEE ALSO: Ten of The World’s Most Clean Countries

10. New Zealand

New Zealand offers its 4.4 million citizens some of the world’s purest and best tasting drinking water.

10. New Zealand Top Ten Countries with the Best Tap Water
Image: Cuba Gallery/Flickr

9. Germany

The high standard water treatment plants are supplying Germany’s cleanest tap water. Germany is ninth on this list of ten countries.

Image: Forever_22/Flickr

8. Sweden

The two water treatment plants located in Norsborg and Lovo are supplying clean tap water to 1.3 million residents of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Sweden is using latest technology for water treatment henceforth providing the best quality tap water to its people.

Image: reimonickel/Flickr

7. United Kingdom

The water regulations in United Kingdom are based on the European Union drinking water directive and on the advice of the World Health Organization therefore the tap water that is being provided is of highest standards and is among the best in the world.

Image: Darren Pettit/Flickr

6. Italy

The Italian government conduct regular test to analyse the quality of tap water on the basis of hardness, pH levels, dry solids at 180 degrees, fluoride, sodium, chlorides, and nitrite. These tests ensure that the quality of the tap water is maintained properly. Due to these reasons the tap water is often compared to the bottled water available in stores.

Image: Cuba Gallery/Flickr

5. Austria

Austrian laws impose strict quality control standards on the country’s drinking water, which comes from government-controlled supply facilities.

Image: flofler/Flickr

4. France

France encourage the involvement of the private sector in maintaining the sanitation and water supply by offering them special concessions and lease contracts. Maintaining a proper sanitation system decreases the levels of bacteria in tap water.

Image: Moyan_Brenn/Flickr

3. Luxembourg

38 out of 71 springs that act as a major water resource for the country, are being used by Luxembourg’s water department for obtaining drinking water. The water is then treated in highly advanced treatment plants, to make it suitable for drinking purposes. Luxemburg’s water treatment plants use ultrafiltration systems, which give the nation the third best tap water.

Image: Víctor Riverola/Flickr

2. Norway

Norway has special programs safeguarding the ground water and other water systems of the country. Regular checks are conducted to verify the quality of drinking water. Therefore Norwegians enjoy the second best quality of tap water being provided to them.

Image: szefi/Flickr

1. Switzerland

Would you believe that Switzerland’s tap water has the same quality as that of bottled mineral water and that too at a cost that is nearly five hundred times cheaper than the bottled water? Switzerland is the country providing the best quality drinking water to its citizens. With strict treatment standards and superior natural resources, Switzerland ranks number one for best Environmental Performance Index.

Image: Nik-On!/Flickr

Source: TheRichest

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