Canadian Photographer Captures Wanderlust In Magnificent Landscape Photography

Elizabeth Gadd, a 24-year-old Canadian photographer, adds magic to already magnificent scenic locations through her photography. The self-taught photographer captures solitary wanderers, including her very own self, to illustrate the interaction between humans and nature.

Gadd has been exploring and seeking adventures in remote yet breathtaking locations of Canada since her childhood. Her landscape photography is not only a tribute to her childhood filled with serene sites but is also a mean of challenging her introvert character to find the freedom as an artist. She started taking her photography seriously in 2010 which led her to embark on a 365-days photography project. She credits all her skills to that project and since then, has not looked back from her talent of capturing photographs of natural landscape.

Although the young photographer is Canada based but she has not limited herself to one country. Gadd’s recent project was based on her two-week exploration of Iceland, home to many majestic spots of nature. She aptly named the project, “The Icelandic Red Dress Series.”

The pictures focusing on the wanderlust highlights Gadd’s childhood love for the natural landscape and is now making her social media audience fall in love with it too. The sensational photographs fill the viewers with the desire to travel and take in the incredible views that Cadd has so beautifully shown in her clicks.

Images: © Eizabeth Gadd

Elizabeth Gadd: Website | Facebook | Flickr | Instagram

H/T: phlearn
